quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

The Pulse is Spreading!

O título no qual eu estou trabalhando no momento é Pulse of Power, da talentosa Anne Elizabeth, e publicado pela Dynamite Entertainment. Nenhuma novidade até aí, mas o título está começando a aparecer em todo o canto da internet, então resolvi deixar os links para quem se interessar:

Newsarama (Yes! Minha primeira menção no Newsarama!): http://www.newsarama.com/comics/pulse-power-anne-elizabeth-100513.html

Bleeding Cool: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/04/26/anne-elizabeth-writes-pulse-of-power-for-dynamite/

ComiXology: http://www.comixology.com/sku/MAY100940/Anne-Elizabeth-Pulse-of-Power-One-Shot-

Broken Frontier: http://www.brokenfrontier.com/headlines/p/detail/anne-elizabeths-pulse-of-power

Media Connection Online: http://mediaconnectiononline.com/?p=1526

The Outhouse: http://www.theouthousers.com/content/view/8055/228/

Novels Alive: http://novelsalive.tv/categories/miscellaneous/anne-elizabeth/

InvestComics: http://www.investcomics.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1964&Itemid=1

Dynamite Entertainment Website: http://www.dynamiteentertainment.com/htmlfiles/viewProduct.html?PRO=C1606901702

Pulse of Power Website: http://www.pulseofpower.com/

Espalhe a notícia! O Pulso está se espalhando! :)


The title in which I´m working right now is Pulse of Power, of the talented Anne Elizabeth, and published by Dynamite Entertainment. Nothing new there, but the title is starting to show up all around the internet, so I decided to post the links to whomever is interested:

Newsarama (Yes! My first mention in Newsarama!): http://www.newsarama.com/comics/pulse-power-anne-elizabeth-100513.html

Bleeding Cool: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/04/26/anne-elizabeth-writes-pulse-of-power-for-dynamite/

ComiXology: http://www.comixology.com/sku/MAY100940/Anne-Elizabeth-Pulse-of-Power-One-Shot-

Broken Frontier: http://www.brokenfrontier.com/headlines/p/detail/anne-elizabeths-pulse-of-power

Media Connection Online: http://mediaconnectiononline.com/?p=1526

The Outhouse: http://www.theouthousers.com/content/view/8055/228/

Novels Alive: http://novelsalive.tv/categories/miscellaneous/anne-elizabeth/

InvestComics: http://www.investcomics.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1964&Itemid=1

Dynamite Entertainment Website: http://www.dynamiteentertainment.com/htmlfiles/viewProduct.html?PRO=C1606901702

Pulse of Power Website: http://www.pulseofpower.com/

Spread the news! The Pulse is spreading! :)


sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Pulse of Power - Special Preview

Oi, pessoal!

Eu sei que faz tempo que eu não posto nada por aqui, mas o motivo é bom: eu ando bastante atolado de trabalho com a graphic novel Pulse of Power, da Dynamite Entertainment.

A obra é fantástica e os talentos envolvidos são inacreditáveis. Eu não poderia ter escolhido pessoas melhores para trabalhar.

Eles me permitiram postar algumas páginas do trabalho aqui, então lá vai:

Hi, folks! I know it´s been a while since I posted anything here, but it´s for a good reason: I´ve been swamped with work, thanks to Dynamite Entertainment´s Pulse of Power.

The graphic novel is fantastic and the talent involved in it is unbelievable. I could not have chosen better people to work with.

They allowed me to post a couple of pages from the work here, so there you go:

E para aqueles que querem ver o lápis original (e se você for como eu, você VAI QUERER), aqui estão eles:

And for those who want to see the original pencils (if you´re like me, you DO), here they are:

Pulse of Power deve sair em Julho (se eu conseguir desenhar tudo a tempo). Fique ligado!

Pulse of Power is due out in July (if I can manage to finish it in time). Stay tuned!
